Monday, September 9, 2019

Digital vs Traditional Marketing

After reading the chapter, I now understand and was able to familiarize myself with how marketing plays a role in our everyday lives. Whether it's watching TV or walking the streets, we always seem to run into some sort of billboard or flyer. Traditional marketing is the first form of marketing the average person will be.  Examples of traditional marketing include direct phone calls, mail, Television ads, and even billboards you see on the street. During this process I realized traditional marketing is the first form of marketing us as consumers get accustomed with. That being said I’m not sure which form of marketing is more effective in today’s world. If I had to assume, I would go with digital just because it’s the new direction things are going and it’s much more cost effective.

Digital marketing is companies advertising electronically through search engines, online advertising, emails, YouTube ads and much more. You may not realize this but when you’re researching something on google you get a list of topics that may seem similar to what you were originally typing. And then you get interested in something else so you click on it and now what you originally came to research is diminished. I'm sure everyone loves when all you want to do is watch this five-minute video on YouTube on how to make this bomb ass pasta but you are forced to watch a 15-second ad before you get started. Digital Marketing is much cheaper than traditional whether its printing, paying for the TV ads, and more. Digital Marketing is what keeps Facebook and many other social media platforms profitable. And while it has been very cost-effective, it’s not to say traditional marketing isn’t useful anymore because I see both forms of marketing being very effective.

I myself work as Telemarketer for State Farm, and I can honestly say its very interesting speaking to people because you don't know what you’re going run into every time behind that phone line. Sometimes people are having a bad day and I'm not able to execute a sale because I may have called that person at the wrong time in the day. The reason I say this is because while I may have called that person at the wrong time, the real issue was they didn't want to be spoken to that day. Perhaps based on pricing and the types of coverage we offer, they might feel differently the next day.

Image result for mayhem commercial

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